Cost-effective and unbeatable help
Conservation Detection Dogs
Using a dog is a superior way to explore the search area confidently and accurately, even for hidden things that are difficult for the human senses to detect.
Area of operation
All of Finland and the rest of Europe
Dogs for nature
International K9 Institute is the only company in Finland that offers a wide range of trained dog reserves in the field of conservation. We have been pioneers in the field of Conservation Dogs since 2013.
All our dogs are highly trained, safe, and reliable, and their use in searches and surveys is very cost-effective.
The use of Conservation Dogs in our country and the development of training methods is our handwriting, which we also take forward to other countries.
When the eyes are not enough
Using a dog is a superior way to explore the search area confidently and accurately, even for hidden things that are difficult for the human senses to detect. Dogs are also able to inspect areas when the observation time is difficult for humans.
Recognized by our dogs
- Flying squirrel ( Pteromys Volans)
- Green shield-Moss ( Buxbaumia Viridis )
- The Clouded apollo Caterpillar ( Parnassius mnemosyne )
- Siberian Moth( Borearctia teknriesii )
- Asian long-horned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis)
Dogs for conservation
You can order a ConservationDog from us to check if there are flying squirrels or Green shield-moss in the area. Dogs can also be taught a new smell if needed.
We operate throughout Finland and elsewhere in Europe.

Detailed reporting
We make a clear and accurate report of the findings to the client for each assignment.
Documentation of findings
All findings are numbered and documented in the report along with the images. The GPS coordinate of each observation point is marked on the map of the area.
With confidence in the subscriber
We act tactfully and reliably, taking the customer’s wishes into account. We always report findings only to the client and all members of our team are bound by our confidentiality.

Biodiversity is our lifeblood. That is why we at the International K9 Institute have pioneered the training and use of our Conservation Dogs, so that the knowledge gained from species mapping will help to successfully target conservation measures while supporting diversity.

Moss clay
The International K9 Institute launched a project to map the highly endangered Green shield-Moss (Buxbaumia Viridis) with a dog in 2020.
The project has been implemented in collaboration with Kimmo Syrjänen , a researcher and team leader at the Finnish Environment Institute, and Sanna Huttunen , Amanuensis of the University of Turku’s Biodiversity Unit. with.
The Vuokko Nature Conservation Foundation (Vuokon Luonnonsuojelusäätiö) awarded the project a grant and wrote a summary of our report from the end of 2021. You can read the article from the link below.
Flying squirrel
The training of nature mapping dogs to help locate flying squirrels began already in 2013.
You can read more about the Flying Squirrel LIFE project at the link below.

Vihin vainu löytää Tanja Karpelan koulutuksessa uhanalaiset liito-oravat, lepakot ja perhoset - Turun Sanomat
Tanja Karpela täyttää 50 vuotta – löysi unelmatyönsä luonnosta ja koirien seurasta: "Jo ihan pienenä tyttönä viihdyin aina luonnossa" -MTV Uutiset
Euroskeptics vs. the Flying squirrel - Dutch Welle
Tanja Karpela etsii liito-oravia koiriensa kanssa – Suomessa kokeillaan, onko koirista apua luonnonsuojelutyössä -YLE Uutiset
Mitä ihmettä Tanja Karpela tekee kainuulaisessa sekametsässä? Kaikki sai alkunsa puhelusta ylitarkastajalle - Ilta Sanomat
Tanja Karpela hurahti hajukoiriin – kouluttaa omia koiria etsimään liito-oravia - Maaseudun Tulevaisuus
Papanoiden jäljillä – Tanja Karpela koirineen etsii merkkejä liito-oravista - SSS Uutiset
Tervetuloa seuraamaan koira-avusteista liito-oravakartoitusta: Tanja Karpelan inventointikoirat Sotkamon Palovaarassa -ePressi
Our other working dog services
We also serve our customers e.g. explosives detection and pest control.
Contact us
You can send us a message using the form below or call +358 466 000 444